Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Fun with Science.
Christmas in 3 parts...
What a wonderful Christmas!! This year we really focused on the true meaning of Christmas with the kids and we really felt the spirit the whole season. Christmas morning was spent at our home with just our family. It was so nice to be together as a little family.
Next we packed our bags and headed to Medford to be with Grandpa and Grandma Olsen. Kris, Dan and Dan's mom, and Chris and Kara were able to be there too. All the kids piled into bed with Grandpa and Grandma for a movie. We had lots of fun and GOOD food. Thanks to Everyone! We had a wonderful Christmas!!
Kiddie ornaments
Christmas Eve, Grandpa Evan sat all the kids down to make there own ornaments. They first took 2 different color pipe cleaners and twisted them together. Then they bend them into any shape. Next we (Grandpa) dipped them into boiling water with Borax and salt. I just realized that I didn't take any pictures of the finished product, but I will get some and post.
But, they turned out awesome because Grandpa added double the Borax so the ornaments looked like they were covered in huge rock candy! Very fun!
Christmas Eve tradition
Our Christmas Eve was so great this year. The more kids we add to the bunch the more fun we seem to have. We actually kept to the Christmas book that we have and did something out of it every day. The nativity was what we choose for Christmas Eve.This year the kids were all old enough to take part in the nativity as Grandpa Evan read it in the scriptures.
That is of course, except for Connor who refused to dress up as a Shepard. And Macie, who didn't want to wear her sheep ears. But it was so cute anyway and a great tradition we will continue from now on.
The girls finally share a room!! Sorta. Scott's parents gave us the trundle that he usto sleep in as a kid, and we finally had time to pull it out of the garage and into Ellie's room. Ellie was more excited about having a "magic" bed than the fact she would now be sharing it with her baby sister. Scott went out and bought Macie a new mattress , sheets and an electric blanket. And Wala!! I can take the pac'n play out of our room. Macie is still getting usto it and does not like waking up alone, but it a big step in the right direction for us all!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Litttle inventor!
Christmas program
Ellie had her first school program. In it she sang "This little light of mine" and another song they learned about planting seeds. Every class also had to do a dance. Ellie had to partner up with a BOY!! Ahhhhh! It was so stinkin' cute, and she was so embarrassed she couldn't stop smiling! Not any real good pictures, there were soooo many kids and parents there.
*If by chance you are wondering, "If it was a Christmas Program, why no Christmas songs?"
That is an excellent question, I am baffled! At least she wasn't in the next class that sang..wait for it....The Sponge Bob Square Pants theme song! ??%*#??? YES, you read that right!!
I spy
Down one of the halls at Ellie's school there is a wall full of pictures of all the 6th grade graduating classes. Ellie is very proud to show anyone that passes, that in about 10 or so of the pictures is her Grandpa Bud, who was the principal, and in about 3 or 4 of them her Grandpa Evan was a teacher there. But I had to take a picture of this one because they are right next to each other.
I think that is so cool!!
Frogs, Snails and Puppy dog Tails...
So, Connor goes to sleep every night listening to a CD. As I was putting him to bed last night his cd player wasn't working and I could NOT figure out what was wrong with it....
After pushing many buttons....
checking the volume.......
saying a few cuss words........
I finally think to open it up, and this is what I find.......
Baby love..
We had my friends kids over for a few hours this week. Connor gets along better with her little girl than anyone else. They had so much fun! And Macie has never been so into babies. Honestly she is never really around them, so when I asked her if she wanted to hold him she was literally squealing with joy!! Look how happy her sweet little face is.
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