Saturday, January 16, 2010

girls night IN

Ellie LOVES to make lists and charts and will check them off as she gets things done. A week or so ago she went to a party of one of her best friends who had planned out the whole party by herself....Ellie was blown away. I heard about this party FOR DAYS, and I finally gave in and let her have her own little get together. First on the list... glitter nails. We had our own personal nail professional come over to get the job done. :)

Next on the list eat pizza, then build forts.
Then make snowflakes, and (my favorite) she added Free Time.
Connor was the only boy, and the girls loved that. Him...not so much.

1 comment:

Auntie Jan said...

Connor better get used to this now....he is going to have to fight off the women!!!!!