Monday, December 1, 2008


Tis' the season!! I LOVE Christmas time!
Who is going with the real deal on trees and who's got the fake fir? I believe both have there good points, but who can resist the smell of a real tree?


Jason Siemers said...

(Rachel) Yours has to be fake - no real, trudge through the snow, cut down a tree in the beauty of nature ever looked that perfect! That same question was our debate this year as well...real or fake. I am partial to the fake as "putting together" the tree is a long loved family tradition for me, where as Jason holds on to the fun and excitement of going out and cutting your own down. He swears last year I said this year we could finally go real, but with a baby "due" any minute, he opted for ONE more go with the fake.

Molly said...

I go fake but burn a pine smelling candle. The best of both worlds!