Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Silly Sofia

My niece Sofia is so funny, my sister in law Kara has this on her blog and I thought it was so cute I just had to share with everyone!

How to Make a Buttermilk Sandwich
Sofia loves having me write down recipes and grocery lists. Today she explained to me how to make a Buttermilk Sandwich. Somebody test it out and let me know how it turns out.
(Heat these up)

Next add-
-Angel Cookie
(Toast everything)

Next... this is the important part of what you do with the ingredients
"Paint it."
"Hug it"
"Squish it into a squishy Pile."
And there you have it, a delicious Buttermilk Sandwich.


Anonymous said...

YUM!!! OK to try it Kara. She may be the next Martha Stewart!

Kara said...

I am just hoping that she does not take after Chris in cooking. This recipe does not sound too far off from foods that Chris would combine :). My favorite part is "Hug it." Maybe our food will have mercy on us and not make us gain weight if we hug it first.

Jaime said...

For me, it's a tie between "hug it" and "paint it"