Our bishop asked Ellie last week if she would sing a song in Sacrament Meeting with her dad this week. If you spend much time with Ellie you know that she is singing about 80% of the day. She loves to sing.....singing in front of alot of people looking right at her.....not so much!
So at first Ellie lost it and said there was no way she could do it. But when Scott said she could pick her own song and we all practiced it together as a family for a few days, (and grandma promised to take her to Dairy Queen), then she was all for it! She practiced everyday over and over but honestly I didn't know if when the piano actually started she would sing or not because the first part she was singing a solo.
Today was the day and the piano started, and she did Awesome!!! Scott said she was so nervous and for the first 4 words or so you could tell, but she was brave and sounded beautiful.
A big thanks to everyone who came to our ward to see her sing, she was thrilled to see you all!