Monday, July 4, 2011

Connor boy

Connor turned 6 last week! He's the last one and completes the kids birthdays for the year. Whew!

These pictures were taken a few days before his birthday and are actually now outdated because he lost that other little wiggly tooth about 4 days later.


Oh Connor.... what a great kid. Connor is so helpful. He is first to jump up and help me clean the house and loves putting the dishes away. He has become a good little reader and likes to spell out a lot of his words when he is having a conversation with you. Connor loves his cousins and comes back inside dirtier than ever when he is done playing with them. Like REALLY dirty. He's such a boy.

This year in school Connor made friends with a boy named Aiden who passed on his love for Star Wars to Connor....Star Wars is now his life!!

Connor likes to try any food you put in front of him at least once. He wears his underwear and pants backwards often. And I catch him holding and talking to our dog all soft and sweet all the time and I love it.

We love that Connor gets so excited about things and he is so friendly to others.

He is a cuddler and a mama's boy and someday......some far away day....I will forgive you for dissecting that dead lizard, in my house, on my freshly washed tan carpet. I might even laugh about it with you. Someday.

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