Tuesday, September 21, 2010


On Sunday we were all getting ready to head over to my parents house for dessert to celebrate my Dad's birthday. Everyone was ready and about to head out the door except Connor. I called for him over and over and finally just went to find him. He was sifting through his clothes drawers and still not dressed. I asked what was taking him so long and he said he was trying to find a shirt. I was frustrated because he had already thrown about 7 shirts on the floor. He still kept searching. I asked why not the 7 shirts that were on the floor and he told me that he had to find one with stripes! That made me smile because even though that might sound weird to you... Connor knows that if you are wearing stripes when you go to see Grandma Lynnie she "counts your stripes". Meaning, she has Connor sit in her lap and pins his arms down and starts at the bottom of his shirt and with her fingers walks up the stripes, counting as she goes. It tickles! He only makes it to about rib cage area before he is laughing so hard he can't breath.
My mom has done this with Connor since he was a baby and I think it will be one of the great memories he will have forever of her.

Connor is such a funny little kid. He has always been fascinated with the idea of grandparents. To this day, if you ask Connor what he wants to be when he grows up he will still say "A Grandpa" He has fun traditions with all of his grandparents. With Grandpa Bud he runs straight to the bookshelf and knows that Grandpa Bud will read to him for hours on end. (If he could stay still that long :)
With Grandma Pam the first thing he says to her when he sees her is "Lets make pudding!" because Connor knows that that is their thing, Grandma always let's Connor help her whip up some homemade chocolate pudding.
And with Grandpa Evan it's snake cookies- since I was a kid my dad has been the king of turning kids into food. He lays them down side by side and "cooks" them. Turning them into burritos, pancakes, hot dogs or cookies. He flips them over with spatulas, and stirs them with spoons, puts them in the oven and always takes a bite. Connor's usual request is that he gets to be made into a snake cookie!
My experiences and memories from my own amazing Grandparents have become a part of who I am an I am so grateful that my children get be molded and shaped with pieces of all the fun things they got to do with these strong figures in their lives.


meg baker said...

Well after knowing Connor's amazing grandparents I can see why he is so crazy about them.

Rachel Garcia said...

That is way too stinkin cute and I am about to cry...

Mom said...

You're my favorite Jaim.

Boyters said...

Oh my gosh...that is so stinky cute!!

Kara said...

I need to call and see how Connor is liking Kindergarten!

auntie Patty said...

great story Jaime!