Friday, November 26, 2010

seasonal festivities

I LOVE being able to go into my kids classrooms and help out. I get to see them interact with their school friends and be taught by (and have to listen too) someone other than me.
Ellie was in a play last week about the Pilgrims and the Indians. She sure has a personality on her and I love her for it. She memorized all her parts and was so excited, but she let me know that their was a part in the play where everyone had to do a "turkey trot" dance and she did NOT want me to video her during that part. In fact she was so embarrassed about this little dance that when the time came she hid behind the boy in front of her the whole time...even when he did the shimmy she sunk down when he did. Silly girl.

Connor had a Thanksgiving Feast in his classroom. It would be an understatement to say that those kids loved it.
They had a full on homemade turkey dinner. They made their own place mats, had fun table decorations and were even grown up enough to have sparkling cider!

We really tried to work with our kids on being Thankful for everything they have and to realize that others in other places and even in our own town don't have the things that we use everyday. I had them make a list of some of the things they do every day like: get out of bed, brush teeth, eat breakfast, get in the car, ect. Then I explained to them how lucky they were to be able to sleep in a bed with warm blankets, have water and a toothbrush, have food in our belly's. It was neat to see that the wheels were turning in their heads as they thought about it all.
I truly am thankful for all that I have, and for how I was raised and especially for who I get to spend every day with.

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