It has been one busy week for our family. Scott went to Portland for 4 days so I was extra busy and all lonely.So, In those four days I squeezed in a Priesthood preview for Primary,which went great. Then, my poor Dad had my kids ALL day so I could host bunko and then head over to see the midnight showing of Twilight with all the girls. (And yes..it might as well have been a young women's activity for the stake. I felt sooo old and teeny bopper-ish.) School drop off, school pick up,A hair cut, a presidency meeting, sports complex, sewing like a mad women, trips to post office, Primary Program ( also AMAZING, due to great counselors, wonderful kids, and the best music leader in the land!!!), deep cleaning my house within hours after church to get it ready to show...and a partridge in a pear tree!!! Thank heavens for babysitters.
I am so in need on a mini vaca I can't even tell you. I shouldn't complain I have many friends that do all of this and more every week. Please, let me in on your SECRETS!
Wow Jaime!! You have been one been one buys girl!! I'm glad that Scott finally got home from his NERD conference, Just kidding, you know I love you :)
I would go crazy if Chris left me for more than a couple of days. I know that a lot of those things you had to do, but it is good to practice saying no sometimes when you can! (I need to work on this too).
I feel ya girl! Duck was gone for four days last week as well. And is gone again next week. Although I think I feel just as busy when he is here and when he is gone! Why is that....hmmmm? Do you think Primary has ANYTHING to do with that?
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