There is nothing better than bunking with your sister! When I first got married and we decided to have kids, I hoped and prayed to have at least two girls. Sisters. I didn't have any brothers and all I know is Sisterly lovin' and I so want that for my girls. They are at such a fun stage. Ellie is such a big helper and sweet big sister to Macie. But what can I say..... Big sisters are always the best!
You know baby sisters are the best... And is that seriously Macie?! She's freakin huge!!! She has hair!
(Rachel) Ever since Halloween, my fearless, tougher then life, stiff upper lip of a Paige has turned into her mush of a sister scaredie cat when it comes to bedtime, the dark, or being alone. She will not sleep in her bed, though only 2 inches from Renee. Luckily Renee is in a full and even more luckily, is willing to give that sisterly love and share ever single night with Paige. It really is supper sweet so see them snuggled together when I peak in on them in the middle of the night on one of my many pregnancy prompted potty trips. I think it has actually helped Renee as well, as we can now finally close their door without screams of terror (but that may have also been due to the addition of the string of Christmas lights we put around the top border of their room).
You know baby sisters are the best...
And is that seriously Macie?! She's freakin huge!!! She has hair!
Hehehe...big sisters are the best. That's funny.
(Rachel) Ever since Halloween, my fearless, tougher then life, stiff upper lip of a Paige has turned into her mush of a sister scaredie cat when it comes to bedtime, the dark, or being alone. She will not sleep in her bed, though only 2 inches from Renee. Luckily Renee is in a full and even more luckily, is willing to give that sisterly love and share ever single night with Paige. It really is supper sweet so see them snuggled together when I peak in on them in the middle of the night on one of my many pregnancy prompted potty trips. I think it has actually helped Renee as well, as we can now finally close their door without screams of terror (but that may have also been due to the addition of the string of Christmas lights we put around the top border of their room).
Those pictures of Macie and Ellie are so sweet. We can't wait to see you guys during Christmas. I think that we will be home by the 23rd!!
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